; ThemeXpert ; Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. ; License GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt, see LICENSE.php ; Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 COM_JMEDIA="JMedia" COM_JMEDIA_ALIGN="Image Float" COM_JMEDIA_ALIGN_DESC="This will apply the classes 'pull-left', 'pull-center' or 'pull-right' to the '
' or '' element." COM_JMEDIA_BROWSE_FILES="Browse files" COM_JMEDIA_CAPTION="Caption" COM_JMEDIA_CAPTION_CLASS_LABEL="Caption Class" COM_JMEDIA_CAPTION_CLASS_DESC="This will apply the entered class to the '
' element. For example: 'text-left', 'text-right', 'text-center'." COM_JMEDIA_CLEAR_LIST="Clear List" COM_JMEDIA_CONFIGURATION="JMedia: Options" COM_JMEDIA_CREATE_COMPLETE="Create Complete: %s" COM_JMEDIA_CREATE_FOLDER="Create Folder" COM_JMEDIA_CREATE_NEW_FOLDER="Create New Folder" COM_JMEDIA_CURRENT_PROGRESS="Current progress" COM_JMEDIA_DELETE_COMPLETE="Delete Complete: %s" COM_JMEDIA_DESCFTPTITLE="FTP Login Details" COM_JMEDIA_DESCFTP="To upload, change and delete media files, Joomla will most likely need your FTP account details. Please enter them in the form fields below." COM_JMEDIA_DETAIL_VIEW="Detail View" COM_JMEDIA_DIRECTORY="Folder" COM_JMEDIA_DIRECTORY_UP="Folder Up" COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST="Bad Request" COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_BEFORE_DELETE_0="No error occurred before deleting the media." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_BEFORE_DELETE_1="An error occurred before deleting the media: %2$s" COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_BEFORE_DELETE_MORE="Some errors occurred before deleting the media: %2$s" COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_BEFORE_SAVE_0="No error occurred before saving the media." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_BEFORE_SAVE_1="An error occurred before saving the media: %2$s" COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_BEFORE_SAVE_MORE="Some errors occurred before saving the media: %2$s" COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_CREATE_NOT_PERMITTED="Create not permitted." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_FILE_EXISTS="File already exists." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_FOLDER_WARNDIRNAME="Unable to create folder. Folder name must only have alphanumeric characters and no spaces." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_BROWSE_FOLDER_WARNDIRNAME="Unable to browse: %s. Folder name must only have alphanumeric characters and no spaces." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_FILE_WARNFILENAME="Unable to delete: %s. File name must only have alphanumeric characters and no spaces." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY="Unable to delete: %s. Folder is not empty!" COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_FOLDER_WARNDIRNAME="Unable to delete: %s." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_DELETE="Unable to delete: " COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE="Unable to upload file." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_UPLOAD_INPUT="Please input a file to upload" COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_WARNFILENAME="File name must only have alphanumeric characters and no spaces." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_WARNFILENOTSAFE="You have tried to upload file(s) that are not safe." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_WARNFILETOOLARGE="This file is too large to upload." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_WARNFILETYPE="This file type is not supported." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_WARNIEXSS="Possible IE XSS Attack found." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_WARNINVALID_IMG="Not a valid image." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_WARNINVALID_FOLDER="Invalid folder provided." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_WARNINVALID_MIME="Illegal or invalid mime type detected." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_WARNNOTADMIN="Uploaded file is not an image file and you are not a manager or higher." COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_WARNNOTEMPTY="Not empty!" COM_JMEDIA_ERROR_WARNUPLOADTOOLARGE="Total size of upload exceeds the limit." COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_CHECK_MIME_DESC="Use MIME Magic or Fileinfo to try to verify files. Try disabling this if you get invalid mime type errors." COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_CHECK_MIME_LABEL="Check MIME Types" COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_IGNORED_EXTENSIONS_DESC="Ignored file extensions for MIME type checking and restricted uploads." COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_IGNORED_EXTENSIONS_LABEL="Ignored Extensions" COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_ILLEGAL_MIME_TYPES_DESC="A comma separated list of illegal MIME types to upload (blacklist)." COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_ILLEGAL_MIME_TYPES_LABEL="Illegal MIME Types" COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_LEGAL_EXTENSIONS_DESC="Extensions (file types) you are allowed to upload (comma separated)." COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_LEGAL_EXTENSIONS_LABEL="Legal Extensions (File Types)" COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_LEGAL_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS_DESC="Image extensions (file types) you are allowed to upload (comma separated). These are used to check for valid image headers." COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_LEGAL_IMAGE_EXTENSIONS_LABEL="Legal Image Extensions (File Types)" COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_LEGAL_MIME_TYPES_DESC="A comma separated list of legal MIME types to upload." COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_LEGAL_MIME_TYPES_LABEL="Legal MIME Types" COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_LEGAL_MIME_TYPES_CUSTOM_LABEL = "Custom Legal MIME Types" COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_LEGAL_MIME_TYPES_CUSTOM_DESC = "Add your custom or missing Legal MIME Types" COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_MAXIMUM_SIZE_DESC="The maximum size for an upload (in megabytes). Use zero for no limit. Note: your server has a maximum limit." COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_MAXIMUM_SIZE_LABEL="Maximum Size (in MB)" COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_PATH_FILE_FOLDER_DESC="Enter the path to the files folder relative to the root of your webspace. Warning! Changing to another path than the default 'images' may break your links. Note: Do not start the path with a slash!" COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_PATH_FILE_FOLDER_LABEL="Path to Files Folder" COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_PATH_IMAGE_FOLDER_DESC="Enter the path to the images folder relative to the root of your webspace. This path has to be the same as path to files (default) or to a subfolder of the path to file folder.. Note: Do not start the path with a slash!" COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_PATH_IMAGE_FOLDER_LABEL="Path to Images Folder" COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_RESTRICT_UPLOADS_DESC="Restrict uploads for lower than manager users to images if Fileinfo or MIME Magic isn't installed." COM_JMEDIA_FIELD_RESTRICT_UPLOADS_LABEL="Restrict Uploads" COM_JMEDIA_FIELDSET_OPTIONS_LABEL="JMedia" COM_JMEDIA_FILES="Files" COM_JMEDIA_FILESIZE="File size" COM_JMEDIA_FOLDER="Folder" COM_JMEDIA_FOLDERS="JMedia Folders" COM_JMEDIA_FOLDERS_PATH_LABEL="Warning! Path Folder
Changing the 'Path to files folder' from the default of 'images' may break your links.
The 'Path to images' folder has to be the same or a subfolder of 'Path to files'." COM_JMEDIA_IMAGE_DESCRIPTION="Image Description" COM_JMEDIA_IMAGE_DIMENSIONS="%1$s x %2$s" COM_JMEDIA_IMAGE_TITLE="%1$s - %2$s" COM_JMEDIA_IMAGE_URL="Image URL" COM_JMEDIA_INSERT_IMAGE="Insert Image" COM_JMEDIA_INSERT="Insert" COM_JMEDIA_INVALID_REQUEST="Invalid Request" COM_JMEDIA_MEDIA="JMedia" COM_JMEDIA_NAME="Image Name" COM_JMEDIA_NO_IMAGES_FOUND="No Images Found" COM_JMEDIA_NOT_SET="Not Set" COM_JMEDIA_OVERALL_PROGRESS="Overall Progress" COM_JMEDIA_PIXEL_DIMENSIONS="Dimensions (px)" COM_JMEDIA_PREVIEW="Preview" COM_JMEDIA_START_UPLOAD="Start Upload" COM_JMEDIA_THUMBNAIL_VIEW="Thumbnail View" COM_JMEDIA_TITLE="Image Title" COM_JMEDIA_UPLOAD_COMPLETE="Upload Complete: %s" COM_JMEDIA_UPLOAD_FILE="Upload file" ; The following two strings are deprecated with 3.7.0 and will be removed in 4.0 COM_JMEDIA_UPLOAD_FILES="Upload files (Maximum Size: %s MB)" COM_JMEDIA_UPLOAD_FILES_NOLIMIT="Upload files (No maximum size)" COM_JMEDIA_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL="Upload Successful" COM_JMEDIA_UPLOAD="Upload" COM_JMEDIA_UP="Up" COM_JMEDIA_XML_DESCRIPTION="Component for managing site media" JLIB_RULES_SETTING_NOTES="Changes apply to this component only.
Inherited - a Global Configuration setting or higher level setting is applied.
Denied always wins - whatever is set at the Global or higher level and applies to all child elements.
Allowed will enable the action for this component unless overruled by a Global Configuration setting."